

nedeľa 10. marca 2013

Dan Millman Čísla života / The Life You Were Born to Live

Dan Millman napísal  knihu, v ktorej odkrýva sily pôsobiace v našich životoch a ponúka nám zároveň návod ako začať tieto sily používať v prospech seba a v prospech ostatných. 
Táto kniha mi ozrejmila veľa stránok môjho života a som rád, že mi bolo umožnené získať nový náhľad s čím prišlo aj pochopenie toho, čo ma dennodenne sprevádza. 
Pozrite si aj Vy svoje životné číslo a preštudujte si to, čo už dávno viete, no nikdy ste to nemali možnosť vidieť tak kompletne pohromade.

Posledný krok, ktorý je nutné urobiť je... 


Knihu si možno zakúpiť tu...

Stiahnuť zadarmo sa dá na Ulož  

The Life You Were Born to Live
Dan Millman presents an entirely new way of understanding life and the forces that shape it. The Life-Purpose System, a modern method of personal growth based on ancient wisdom, has helped thousands of people find new meaning, purpose, and direction in their lives. The Life You Were Born to Live features: * the thirty-seven paths of life * how to determine your life path and the life paths of others * core issues, inborn talents, and special needs of each path, including health, money, and sexuality * guidelines for finding a career consistent with your innate drives and abilities * the hidden dynamics of your relationships * how to live in harmony with the cycles of lifeThe Life-Purpose System explores key spiritual laws — universal principles specific to each life path — that help you clarify the past, understand the present, and shape the future. It can generate a quantum leap in self-understanding and may even change the course of your life

You can find the book here and read it online or download it as a PDF>>>The life you were born to live<<<

PS: Díky Bolívia :)


piatok 8. marca 2013

Phoenix Tears Cannabis Cancer Cure

Rick Simpson is the man with the master plan. Please find out more about Cannabis Cancer Cure on... 
